Uehlinger, Tablack CPAs

About Uehlinger, Tablack CPAs

在Uehlinger, Tablack注册会计师事务所,倾听是我们业务的基础. 我们花时间去了解我们的客户,这样我们就可以找到切实可行的方法来满足他们的会计和税务需求, understand their struggles, and help them achieve their financial goals. 从初创企业和企业家到成熟企业, 我们为各类企业提供优质的十大网赌线上网址和战略性的税务规划. 我们还为企业主和个人提供及时准确的所得税准备.

我们在社会上的卓越声誉反映了我们的高标准, commitment to lowering taxes, and unparalleled customer support. Call us at 216-438-1040 now and request a consultation 了解更多十大网赌线上网址位于俄亥俄州布雷克斯维尔的注册会计师事务所可以为您和您的企业做些什么.

Ted Uehlinger, CPA

Ted Uehlinger, CPA, CFE


泰德是一名公共会计主管,在提供和管理会计方面都取得了杰出的成就, tax, and consulting services for numerous clients. Prior to starting his own firm, 泰德曾在普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)负责全国业务,并曾在美国司法部工作.S. 证券交易委员会总会计师办公室. Ted被各种出版物引用,并在几十个会议上发言. 泰德还积极参与当地一所大学的会计和财务部门的董事会成员.

Ted擅长与专业组织(牙科、医疗、法律、保险、 & Financial Advisors) as well as Small Manufacturing, Construction, Rental Property Managers and Investors, Retailers, and business startups. Areas of expertise include the following:

  • CFO Services
  • Business Divestures and Acquisitions
  • Business Consulting
  • Small Business Taxation
  • Taxation Representation
  • Financial Reporting
  • Business Formation

泰德也是一位经验丰富的房地产投资者,拥有超过十年的经验. In his spare time, 他喜欢与妻子和孩子一起户外活动,并驾驶他的老爷车.

Robert Tablack, CPA

Robert Tablack, CPA


Bob is a co-founder of Uehlinger, Tablack CPAs. 他的职业生涯始于Aaron Rents和Walmart Stores Inc .的内部审计. 他是2010年美国内部审计年度最佳合伙人吗. From, 在那里,Bob分别在德勤和普华永道的外部和内部审计部门工作了7年多. 鲍勃目前在莱克伍德儿童保育中心和克利夫兰扫盲种子筹款委员会任职.

鲍勃擅长与专业组织(牙科、医疗、法律、保险、 & Financial Advisors) as well as Technology companies, Franchisees/Franchisors, Small Manufacturing, Construction, Retailers, and business startups. Areas of expertise include the following:

  • CFO Services
  • Business Valuations
  • Small Business Taxation
  • Tax Planning for Individuals
  • Financial Reporting
  • Business Formation
  • Non-Profit Accounting
  • QuickBooks Setup and Support
  • Trust and Estate Planning

鲍勃和他的妻子艾琳住在俄亥俄州的洛基河,他们有三个孩子. In his spare time, Bob enjoys bike rides with his family, 训练巴西柔术和抽烟/烤肉.

William Keefer, CPA

William Keefer, CPA


威廉·基弗是俄亥俄州曼斯菲尔德的终身居民. 1976年毕业于Malabar High School, 1982年3月毕业于The Ohio State University,获得工商管理学士学位,主修会计和金融双学位. 自1982年以来,他一直从事公共会计工作,并于1986年与妻子Beth创办了自己的企业. 2017年8月贝丝去世后,威廉把他的诊所卖给了泰德 & Bob. 他现在处于半退休状态,在Uehlinger, Tablacks, cpa事务所工作. William specializes in working with Dental & Dental Specialty Practices, Medical and Medical Specialty Practices, Manufacturing (including IC-DISC), and Golf Courses.

William's areas of expertise include the following:

  • Small Business Taxation
  • Business Consulting
  • Tax Planning for Individuals
  • Trust and Estate Planning

比尔以与客户建立真正的长期关系为乐,并不断努力创造价值和成果. Bill has two children Kristin and Scott. 半退休让他有更多的机会享受他的两个孙子乔斯林和里斯. He is a member of the American Institute of CPAs, 俄亥俄州注册会计师协会和第一联合卫理公会教堂.

Joe Bystricky, CPA

Joe Bystricky, CPA


Cleveland State University, CPA Ohio, Florida, South Carolina, Cleveland State University proctor, Ohio licensed auctioneer, Lions Club Member.

Alex Armbruster

Alex Armbruster


亚历克斯拥有凯霍加社区学院的科学助理学位. 她预计将于2024年从鲍德温华莱士大学(Baldwin Wallace University)获得会计学学士学位,辅修商业分析专业.


Angel Borbajo

Angel Borbajo


Angel Borbajo毕业于肯特州立大学,于2022年获得工商管理学士学位,并于2023年获得会计硕士学位.

Angel's areas of expertise include:

  • Payroll Processing
  • Payroll Tax Processing
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Small Business Taxation


Laura Greiner

Laura Greiner


劳拉毕业于俄亥俄州立大学,获得计算机科学学士学位 & Engineering. 劳拉还拥有凯斯西储大学金融专业的工商管理硕士学位. Laura has experience with a variety of organizations. 劳拉目前正在准备注册代理考试.

Laura's areas of expertise include:

  • Small Business Taxation
  • Individual Taxation
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Payroll Processing


Pam Keane

Pam拥有超过21年的工资单处理经验,与各种行业和规模的公司合作,从一个人到数百名员工 . Her areas of expertise are:

  • Payroll Processing
  • Payroll Tax Processing
  • Insurance Transaction Processing

Her hobbies include spending time with family, decorating, shopping and feeding the wildlife at her home.

Scott Keefer

Scott Keefer was born in Mansfield, Ohio. 他于2008年毕业于Mansfield高中,2012年3月毕业于The University of Akron University,获得工商管理学士学位,主修会计和金融双学位. 2012年开始从事公共会计工作,2016年夏天开始创业(GRAD Loan APP).

Scott's areas of expertise include:

  • Small Business Taxation
  • Business Consulting
  • Tax Planning for Individuals
  • Trust and Estate Planning
  • Payroll Processing
  • Payroll Tax Processing

斯科特对他为客户提供的工作感到自豪,他专注于质量和响应能力. Scott has two dogs that he enjoys spending time with.

Rosa Werner

罗莎毕业于马龙大学,获得工商管理理学学士学位,主修会计. 罗莎获得了QuickBooks的认证,并在专业组织(法律,牙科, & Optometry offices) Rental Properties, Not for Profit, Logistics (trucking companies), Landscaping, Funeral Homes, Construction, Education, & Golf Courses.

Rosa's areas of expertise include:

  • QuickBooks Setup and Support
  • Non-Profit Accounting
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Payroll Processing
  • Payroll Tax Processing
